Contact Lit & MORE at the beginning of your case.
We offer a complimentary discussion that may help identify some significant tools and tips. We begin with the end in mind. No obligation – we would love to share our knowledge and help you win your case!
Lit & MORE makes document review easy.

The identification phase is when potentially responsive documents are identified for further analysis and review. Since the scope of data can be overwhelming in this phase, attempts are made to reduce the overall scope, such as limiting documents to certain date ranges or search terms to avoid. In the earliest stages of litigation, it’s critical for attorneys to get to the facts of the case quickly in order to develop case strategy, gain an initial estimate of litigation costs, and better prepare for Meet & Confers. Using early case assessment software, we give law firms access to crucial facts about the case to help make important decisions such as:
When you get a discovery request, you need a partner who can quickly and accurately process an electronic data set into a reviewable form. Our full-featured, in-house electronic data discovery (EDD) processing capabilities make us that partner. We can handle your project regardless of size; creating and executing to virtually any media format or software type. Our teams of technicians are experienced in processing data and can handle the wide range of challenges so often presented by electronic data processing–all with the ability to customize each project based on the specific case needs.
We then simplify the Early Case Assessment process presenting data in easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and timelines. Attorneys can use these interactive charts to drill down into specific date ranges, key custodians, or other relevant metadata for a deeper look at the data. This benefits you in a variety of ways:
Collection is the transfer of data from a company to their legal counsel, who will determine relevance and disposition of data. The size and scale of this collection is determined by the identification phase. Our Collection Services include:
- 1Fixed Storage Collection (Manual+Active Data Copy/Forensic Imaging)
- 2Portable Storage Collection (Manual Copy/Forensic Imaging)
- 3Automated Network Discovery of Devices/Repositories and Data
- 4Remote Collection
- 1What is the scope of the data in question?
- 2What is the structure of the data?
- 3What is the format of the data?
- 4What is the state of the data?
- 5How does one “Connect” to the data?
- 6How does one get to Active State data?
- 1How does one maintain the Static State data?
- 2How much data will be acted upon?
- 3Is the data encrypted?
- 4What capabilities will be needed to display information?
- 5How will data reports and/or files be provided to requestor?
- 6How will the data be stored after being acted upon?
During the processing phase, native files are prepared to be loaded into a document review platform. This phase often involves the extraction of text and metadata from the native files. Various data culling techniques are employed during this phase, such as de-duplication and de-NISTing.
Sometimes native files will be converted to a PDF or TIFF format for easier review and bates-labeling. Other processing tools can also employ advanced analytic tools to help document review attorneys more accurately identify potentially relevant documents.
Modern processing tools can also employ advanced analytic tools to help document review attorneys more accurately identify potentially relevant documents. The nine major tasks of electronic discovery processing:
- 1Chain of Custody Security and Tracking
- 2Data Staging
- 3Data Filtering
- 4De-duplication
- 5Metadata Extraction
- 6Full Text Extraction
- 7Exception Handling
- 8Data Conversion
- 9Load File Production
Production / Review
This is the payoff stage. Your files will be scanned, indexed and added to a secure online database. Imagine; a law firm office without messy boxes and desks piled with paper. Imagine being able to:
Paper, file folders and storage cabinets can cost thousands of dollars each year. Our online ediscovery review software tool can cut these costs in half! PLUS:
- 1
Review a file from anywhere immediately You don’t have to download a file to a disk or print it out
- 2
Save money on expensive hardware and software (We include a software license with our services)
- 3No need to worry about or spend money when files are lost
- 4Reduce your operating expenses
- 5Our powerful, user friendly review platform will allow you to search, tag, review and export your documents
- 6
Our experts train you and your staff in how to point and click to what you need.Even inexperienced computer users have learned the ediscovery review software in just a few minutes